About Us

Our Approach

  • We study your file to understand your needs and goals to determine the action plan and the ways to be taken by our team to meet these needs and goals, so we anticipate potential challenges and keep you informed throughout each step of the action.
  • We work closely with you to ensure that we align and that all decisions are made in your best interests and that we communicate effectively to ensure this.

What We Are Expert At

Legal Practice Areas



Rights shall provide all business and services of establishing companies, their branches and representative offices and provide post-establishment services such as general assemblies, amendment contracts and procedures for partnerships, mergers, acquisitions and liquidations.



Rights has many experiences in the field of commercial arbitration and arbitral claims through a specialized team of consultants and lawyers who defend and carry out the burdens of arbitral claims or assume the work as an arbitral tribunal.

Trademarks and Intellectual Property


Through its team, Rights provides all trademark, patent and intellectual property registration works.

Investment Disputes


With its expertise, Rights resolves investor disputes with entities and individuals by settling these disputes through investment dispute settlement committees, which are a quick and effective way to settle disputes.

Commercial and Economic Disputes


Rights, through its team of lawyers and consultants, undertakes all cases before all civil, commercial and economic courts of all degrees and types.    

We Are Here to Assist You

We are confident that we can be your trusted partner in dealing with the legal challenges you face, whether in Egypt or abroad.


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Practice Areas



Trademarks and Intellectual Property

Investment disputes

Business and Economic Disputes

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